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Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Tech Toys for Travellers This Season

Here are my top gift ideas for anyone who travels a lot or has someone on their list who does. Whether its for work or pleasure, these gifts are sure to please:

Bose Noise Canceling Earphones - yup, they work. Sure they are expensive for headphones (+$300/pair) but have you flown lately? Imagine being able to drown out the chatty neighbour, the engine noise, and all the usual comings and goings on the plane. These are a god send for anyone who does any kind of long haul flights of over 4 hours or if you take charters often.

Apple iPod - Maybe this should have been first, but most travellers have one already and if they don't - this is a no-brainer. If you fly a lot - get the video version. If they are constantly driving - then any size will do. I own two and can't imagine life without them. They are small, efficient and cool. They work. Believe the hype - get an iPod.

Digital Books - there is nothing better than having a book read to you. Well, newspapers and magazines too if you want. Imagine the newspaper being read to you while you go are stuck in traffic on your daily commute? How about enjoying a trashy novel while lying on a beach without the heavy book? Digital books just make sense and the library is growing daily. You can either pop them into your iPod or burn them onto a CD. Buying is just as easy, they are available at Chapters, Amazon or iTunes websites, or better yet, get a subscription at Audible.com

Satellite Radio - This is the ultimate gift for the road warrior on your list. When you spend that much time in a car, even an iPod can get old fast. What you want is a radio station that plays all your favourite music, all day long, without any commercials, no matter where you travel in North America. Simple. I prefer Sirius but have had XM too. I like the Canadian content better on Sirius and their New Wave station consistently plays all my favourite songs.



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