We give you a sneak peek at the inside world of a travel agency. Learn about new products and destinations, tips for saving money, industry news and product reviews!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Welcome to The Travel Insider!

Why a travel blog? Well, as the Marketing Manager of a series of travel agencies in the Toronto area, I have gotten frustrated by two major problems in the travel world: lack of information and too much information. Now this may seem contradictory, but believe me it isn't.

Lets look at the first - lack of information. Even though the Internet is full of travel-related websites, how do you really know if you can trust the information? How do you really know if the price displayed is the lowest one? It may seem like it is an open world now, but agencies are still privy to information a consumer will never see. This blog will hopefully let you in on the way the industry organizes itself and how prices are really determined. We will let you know when it makes sense to book last minute and when to book ahead.

Which leads me into issue number two - too much information. There are literally thousands of Internet sites, booking engines, blogs and travel agencies out there ready to tell you all about travel. What you end up with is information overload. Believe me, I get over 300 emails in my inbox daily from different travel suppliers letting me know about their products and sales.

So how do you find out what you need to know? Well I am hoping that this blog will accomplish that. I will give you the insider's view of where to look, where to go, what is new and exciting, what to beware of, and of course, our "Deal of the Day."

As I mentioned above - I get over 300 emails a day. That is a lot of deals! What I promise to do is sift through my inbox and present to you what I think is the best of the lot. These deals are often time sensitive, so by posting daily this allows me to get the most current information to you faster than if I were to send it out on our email list or post on our website.

There is lots to learn and discover, and I am happy to share any insights and experiences, and hopefully inspire you to try out some new destinations and new travel products.

So welcome! And I hope you visit often!



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